In BSJvenerdì 29 febbraio 2008
Relax socks
In calzemercoledì 27 febbraio 2008
Let's go back to knitting... My Relax socks, worked with the pattern of Madder Rib Socks from "Knitting Vintage Socks" are on the go. One is done, the other is knitted over the heel turn. The toe is very particular: it's a star toe, and it has a shape that is maybe a bit too tight for my foot: it stretches a lot. But I like most the rib pattern: k6, p1, k2, p1 all along the leg of 60 sts, centering the k6 rib at the middle of the side of the leg.
I couldn't hear nobody pray
In gospelmartedì 26 febbraio 2008
I'm in the mood for musical posts. You can listen for it in the playlist, even if our way is more as a traditional gospel. The choir is Gospelchor Andelfingen.
We shall overcome
In gospelvenerdì 22 febbraio 2008
Not only knitting... you can find in the playlist a beautiful track of "We shall overcome", by Gospel Dream. The Holy Light Gospel Choir (of which I'm part of) is still preparing it too... and it's not so different....
In scuolalunedì 18 febbraio 2008
In maglia
- Loryzuc e Luigi@ (ovviamente);
- Barbara (mia grande allieva, impareggiabile cuoca e simpatica blogger);
- Knitaly e Typesetter, le prime blogger che ho conosciuto e mi hanno ispirato per il mio blog;
- Apest, che ho scoperto solo recentemente, anche lei cuoca coi fiocchi (a proposito: la sua torta al cioccolato è calda calda di stampa sul mio tavolo, quanto prima verrà sperimentata per la gola di mio marito, cacaodipendente);
- Fluffbuff, per i suoi splendidi scialli;
- Berny, che si è appena lanciata nella tintura della lana con ottimi risultati;
- Purlcity, che le lane tinte a mano le vende;
- Mazzamagain, mia compagna di swap, che mi ha mandato una lana per calze bellissima.
In realtà il mio giro di blog quasi quotidiano comprende più o meno tutte le persone linkate nella sezione "Le brave magliaie/i bravi magliai"...
I've been awarded of a "you make my day" prize by Loryzuc and Luigi@, so I make my nominations:
- Loryzuc e Luigi@ (obviously);
- Barbara (a great knitting student of mine, superb cooker and nice blogger);
- Knitaly e Typesetter, the first ever knitting bloggers I visited;
- Apest, that I've known only recently, and has posted a wonderful chocolate cake that I'll prepare for my chocolate-addicted husband;
- Fluffbuff, for her wonderful shawls;
- Berny, who has recently begun to dye yarn with great results;
- Purlcity, who sell her amazing hand dyied yarns;
- Mazzamagain, my swap partner, for the lovely sockyarn she sent me.
Actually my almost daily blog-visiting is extended to the whole list of "Good knitters" aside...
Ancora viva (Still alive)
In maglia, In modelli a maglia gratisvenerdì 15 febbraio 2008
C'ho l'influenza (I'm flu)
In calzelunedì 11 febbraio 2008
I've been hit. Saturday night my father gave a big party for his 60th birthday and I was home with flu... To relax I started a new pair of socks. I searched in Vintage socks, and at last I've chosen simple ones: Madder rib socks. They have a nice rib pattern in the leg that doesn't stress... moreover this yarn is on the shades of light blue... what more relaxing? I think I'll make a French heel instead of Dutch heel, it suits me better. Yarn from Wolle Harthmuth.
Questo mi posso permettere...
In elezionivenerdì 8 febbraio 2008
ndr. "Prima Visione" è una catena di negozi di abbigliamento a buon prezzo. Probabilmente spera, dopo le elezioni, di essere detto "Hugony" (negozio di abbigliamento chic in centro)...
Il massimo è stato comunque un manifesto a sfondo mistico di qualche anno fa, in cui un candidato che di cognome faceva Madonna aveva come slogan "io ci credo!".
Pubblicate i manifesti più assurdi che vede nelle vostre città: sarà l'unica nota positiva di queste elezioni!
Che bella serata! (What a nice evening!)
In S'n'BThe S'n'B has been wonderful! There was a lot of people, and some of them knew me from the blog! I've met so nice people, very good knitters, I've seen my furst bamboo hook, and the owner was reading The Friday Night Knitting Club, there was a girl embroidering too and I've tought my students how to work socks with two circulars (unravelling my just begun new sock!). And I liked the so various assortment of ages: the happiest was Agatina, eighty years old student of my class, who liked the event so much! This pub hosts knitting club every wednesday, but unfortunately I can't join the group so frequentely because of my baby, but I hope I will repeat this experience some other time... we'll see!
Musica! (Music!)
In musicamercoledì 6 febbraio 2008
AiFerriCorti, who runs a nice blog - in italian only, at the moment -, has put a playlist to listen to while reading her posts. Me toooooo! So, you can now listen to:
Wim Wenders, Palermo e Momò
In momò, In Wendersmartedì 5 febbraio 2008
Wim Wenders is film making in Palermo. In Uncle Antonio's house... (Antonio, aka Momò, painter, and his wife Enza Lauricella, a superb folk singer). Give a look.
Abbiamo la soluzione! (we have the solution!)
... to get out of American economic crisis. The Congress found it....
Zombie Monkey sock e Toasty topper
In maglialunedì 4 febbraio 2008
I suspect my mother attended schools at Hogwarts....
Sferruzzatina veloce con il Toasty topper per il mio piccino: ho fatto qualche modifica per personalizzarlo ed è venuto proprio bene!