Brillano! (Sparkling!)
In magliavenerdì 31 dicembre 2010
Calcoli (Math)
In maglia, In zimmermanngiovedì 16 dicembre 2010

In the meanwhile I've begun a new project: an Iceland Yoke Sweater by EZ for Damiano, size 5 yrs because he will have to wear it for soooo long. A bit of math:
And some modifications: 1) it will be a cardi this too; 2) I hate steeking and cutting. I'm working it back and forth; 3) it's knitted top down.
- ehm, no circulars. I've found out that I'm better at stranding with straight needles, so I'll go on with these as long as possible. EZ, don't be so doubtful please.
Dov'è la differenza? (What is the difference?)
In alaskan malamute, In cuccioligiovedì 9 dicembre 2010
Fuori dal bagno (Out of the bath)
In tingere la lanagiovedì 2 dicembre 2010
Un viaggio di lavoro (A job trip)
In Emporio Lanar, In negozi di lana a Milanolunedì 29 novembre 2010
Cuccioli! (Puppies!)
In alaskan malamute, In cuccioli, In zaravenerdì 26 novembre 2010
Laboratorio di tintura (Dyelab again)
In tingere la lanamartedì 23 novembre 2010
Last weekend I collected several red boston ivy leaves for a new dyeing session and last afternoon I've started the lab. Here is the result: the leaves have released all the red dye in the bath (simmered a bit and let rest for one hour only).
No frost update
In magliamartedì 9 novembre 2010
My new oven is running every evening, and I've baked some little bread. Here it is:
Hard work, huge fun.
No Frost
In magliavenerdì 29 ottobre 2010
Un arcobaleno (A rainbow)
venerdì 15 ottobre 2010
Piccoli miracoli nella vita quotidiana.
Little miracles in everyday life.
A casa nuova! (In the new house!)
In magliamartedì 12 ottobre 2010
We moved at last. We have all we need, well the basics at least (water, methane, electricity). It was time to start this new challenge: kids all alone in their own room (Lorenzino too...). It works: they have slept like angels since the first night, me not exactly, too stressed and anxious. But it's just a matter of time. As it always happens in these situations we forgot a lot of things in the "summer" house: my circulars, for istance. This is why I have started a new pair of socks, first of this year (yes, for me a new year starts at fall) and in the new location, on 4 needles. I wasn't used to manage them, but I'm training. I plan a fast trip to Sferracavallo to catch the circulars... and many other things!
Finiti! (Done!)
In cucito, In uncinettomartedì 21 settembre 2010
Le pezze (My patches)
In cucitovenerdì 27 agosto 2010
Foglie di cielo (sky leaves)
In uncinettovenerdì 23 luglio 2010
Cotone Grignasco Colorado (ma non è la scelta migliore da lavorare all'uncinetto):
Grignasco Colorado Cotton Yarn (not best choice for crochet...):Lo sprone:
The yoke:
Dettaglio del cambio di punto tunisino nella borsa:
Detail of change of tunisian stitch pattern in the final part of the bag:
La borsa fino ad ora:
The bag till now:E questo è tutto.
That's all folks.